So, This weekend I experience my first Rock The South. I went into this expecting something a lot different then what I got. I was pleasantly surprised.
I've worked for country radio before and to me that was just a job, I didn't have a good time. Radio is my life and my passion just second to my family, but I can't get my head around country music. It all sounds the same to me, the lyrics seem pretty trite, and I can't help but think of that scene from Deliverance with the pig squealing. You know the one. But what I found this weekend didn't much involve the music as much as it involved the people and the experience.
Sure, at first it looked like it was gonna be a case of Rocking Chair The South, but that didn't necessarily last long, and who was I to judge, It was hotter than monkey balls and I was sitting down as much as humanly possible. Seriously, between sets, these folks got up and danced like they "was in da club" to a DJ who was spinning a lot of top 40 hits. It was really interesting to see. So It really was one heck of a party.
Of course the people were very interesting to say the least.
When I asked this lovely lady in the confederate flag for a picture, she said sure and asked for my camera. Like I was asking her to take a picture of me. I corrected her and she was surprised by the offer. Work it girl!
Even my co-worker Josie who you can hear on my sister station 102.1 WDRM got in the party spirit, but I'm not sure if she knew this wasn't Coachella. I started affectionately calling it Hillbilly Bonnaroo.
But Seriously, this party was crazy!!! It's estimated that the crowd was around 43,000 people. That's nuts, but seriously these people not only were fun, they were amazingly gracious.
I got sh*tfaced on Friday night, and stumbled around making new friends with all kinds of people. They offered me food, drinks, songs, it was amazing. I met one lady who digs wells for Doctors without borders and goes to these festivals on her spare time to unwind. It was pretty great.
By Saturday afternoon, I was hot, sweaty, muddy, exhausted from no sleep, hungover and my feet were very swollen from all the stumbling around for hours upon hours.
Check out those stink trotters! That's not even at full swell, they got about three times that big. But, my nasty feet aside. I had a great time with my new friends/co-workers and really look forward to going back next year. I may Rock, but it doesn't mean I'm made of stone folks. This country fest and the awesome people there broke me a little. I'll go to your little country concerts dammit, and I may love it but it's because of the people.
I'm still rocking through and through.
Also, I'm sorry for this long ass blog. Just call me Kenny Bloggins.
I'm alright!