So this past Friday the 29th at exactly 10:53 my boss Erich sends me and some other on-air co-workers here at iHeartMedia an email simply titled "Puppy". The body of the email said "Good warm and fuzzy (hopefully) to talk about and see if listeners have a solution!"
I opened up the link and it was a story about a 7 week old puppy called Toffee that had fallen about 50 feet into a hole in the backyard of the Huntsville home of the people who were fostering her.
Ok, immediately I didn't want to hear anymore. Puppies, babies and kittens are my weakness, I was at work and I didn't want to have a blubbery meltdown over this little ball of cuteness.
Then, at 1:14pm, once again Erich sends another email, this time titled "Puppy-Live Cam".
Oh Jeez!, now he's got me. It was a live streaming feed of rescue efforts via WHNT. The best dang news team in the Tennessee Valley.
So, I clicked on it because...reasons.
I was glued to the footage. "Hey Deano, can you do this for me? "PUPPY"
"Deano, can you lead those clients to the Polaris Listener Lounge for the performance today?"
"Deano, have a good weekend, don't forget to turn the lights off in the office before you leave!"
I was so freaking riveted. I was dying inside a little thinking about that poor little girl. I was also very moved too. So many people showing up, trying to help. The comments were mostly supportive. Mostly. You can't have anything nice on the internet without trolls showing up to be dicks. But otherwise it was a beautiful show of support.
When I got home I watched the coverage, I checked again before I went to bed, and as soon as I woke up it was the first thing I did.
This was truly amazing the effort made by our community. It kinda gives me a little hope. There's too much news out there that's bad right now. Too much division. Too much anger.
I understand though, I'm angry too. The daily news bugs me a lot, thinking of the world my little girls are growing up in. Things seem to be really moving backwards.
But when something like this happens, it gives me pause to reflect on the goodness of people. The Tennessee Valley really came through this weekend.
Then, last night, I got a text from Erich....Toffee is coming up to the office.
I've met a lot of celebrities in my 22 years doing this job, but never been more excited to see this one, plus my oldest daughter was going to be with me and she could get to meet Toffee too. What a great day!
My daughter Patsy was very excited to meet the puppy despite how she looks right now. She was a little overwhelmed by all the excitement.
Johnny Maze fell in love with Toffee. I bet he'd take her home if he could.
The dog is the most adorable little cuddler you'd ever meet, she has puppy breath which is amazing and the biggest little paws. She's also up for adoption.
She's currently under the care of A New Leash on Life, and you bet your butt she's got a lot of folks wanting to take her home.
Please remember though, there are lots of animals that need homes. Not just Toffee, and they are all just as deserving. So make sure you check out their website at
You can make donations, adopt a dog, cat, learn about fostering. It's a great organization. Check them out today.
Also, remember, it shouldn't take a dog falling down a hole to bring folks together. Try just a little conversation face to face. That works great too.