Hey there! Have you been working out? You look great. You smell good too.
So, I can look back before the wife and I had kids and remember trips to Disney World, Miami, The Bahamas. It was great. So much disposable income.
We were married for over 14 years before we had our first kid. Now we have two and our disposable income now goes to disposable diapers.
Don't get me wrong. I adore my girls, they and my wife are my whole world.
They are just very expensive. We were warned before our first came along that they are expensive so we were kind of expecting it, but we didn't realize how insane it could really get.
"Hey Patsy! I just pooped myself!"
"Yes Izzy, my nose works, that's why I'm about to pass out"
So with the first one, Patsy, being born in 2015 we found out first hand how expensive diapers can be. Along with wipes and butt paste, you're spending a big chunk of change every month on basic hygiene for a literal flesh machine that eats and poops many times a day. We were getting along OK, had to adjust our spending levels but we got by.
So now we fast forward to almost exactly 2 years after my first daughter was born. My wife gives birth to our second daughter, Izzy. This is when things got real tough.
Two kids, both in diapers. The younger the kids are the more diapers they use. Also, the smaller the diaper, usually the more expensive.
So, as of this writing, my kids are going through 10-12 diapers a day total. When they were a little younger, like a year ago, it was closer to 16-18 a day. Now, that's when the expense has gone through the roof. On Amazon a box of diapers that will last you just over a week at those numbers will cost you $40 easy before taxes, and significantly more if you purchase at the store. So you're looking at easily $150-$200 a month in diapers, wipes, and butt paste each month for two kids. That's a car payment, or a power bill, or a phone bill, groceries, prescriptions.
Things got real tight for us. Especially considering at the time, I was on a partial commission plan at my old job which meant I didn't know what my paycheck would look like from month to month.
One income and a family of four is tough but we've managed to get by. With help. Our costs were lowered a little with the help of the WIC program, which gives mother's and kids a certain allotment of food each month. It's formula, beans, peanut butter, a loaf of bread, some vegetables. Stuff like that. It's very regimented, but it helps a lot. The problem is, the same kinds of programs that can help families with those kinds of things don't exist for diapers and basic hygiene. You may be thinking, well you save that money on the food and that covers your diapers. That's true sometimes, and sometimes it's not. Especially when emergencies come up, or like I said, when a paycheck is short.
Still, we've been fortunate. Those trying times when we were unsure how we'd buy diapers, or food we were able to manage with the help of...Craigslist.
Yep. I sold stuff. My kayak, my bass guitar, memorabilia I've collected over 20 years working in radio.
My parents and in-laws are both taking the eternal dirt naps, so the getting help from family was not an option. You gotta do what you gotta do man to take care of your family and I did.
Now, things are much better, but they are still tight. Still find ourselves stretching our dollars, counting our pennies but we're getting by, but not everyone is as lucky. There are a lot, too many, parents out there struggling everyday to put diapers on there kids and like I said, there's no government programs, and generally speaking no private programs either. Some folks don't have even one income so imagine the struggle.
No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, what you feel about government programs, this is a basic problem that needs attention.
To quote the President it's a "bigly" problem.
There's always a way to find food. Food banks, church pantries, SNAP, WIC, there are multiple avenues both public and private.
That being said, I'm so thrilled to be working with The Great Diaper Drive 2018!
The Great Diaper Drive brought to you by WHNT News 19, Rocket City Mom and WTAK kicks off October 8th and runs through the blitz day of October 18th at the Wal-Mart on Madison Blvd. Not sure which sizes to purchase? ALL SIZES ARE NEEDED! Overnight diapers and pull-ups for older children are always in especially high demand.
Here are some ways you can help.
Host a diaper shower.
We need individuals and organizations to host diaper showers for local babies.
Purchase and drop off!
You can buy diapers and wipes and drop them off at any Madison County Wal-Mart between 10/8-10/19.
Drop off at our Diaper Blitz
We'll be hosting a Diaper Blitz Day on Thursday October 18th, at the Madison Wal-Mart on Highway on Madison Blvd. You can bring all the diapers you've collected and add them to the pile. We're shooting for 200,000 diapers and wipes this year and we need your help. Everybody who donates will receive one ticket voucher per box of diapers to Marvel Universe Live at the VBC, December 14th-16th while supplies last.
Even our sister station 102.1 WDRM is hosting a concert at Stand Up Live on October 15th featuring Jon Pardi and Morgan Wallen. Those tickets are on sale now! Click Here to get yours! We're also asking everyone who comes to the concert to bring a box of diapers. All sizes are needed.
So Please, reach into your hearts and help out our baby's butts. Thanks for listening.