Wednesday (pt 2 of 2): JD’s 24-Hour Stores Are Blowing Up Valentine’s Day!

Wednesday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, Marci looks into the Hollywood scene with this weeks edition of Tatertainment News.. - Valentine’s Day are always huge at JD’s 24-Hour Stores we’ve got the details on this year’s sale.. - A bowlegged woman makes out date in history after almost making off with a pre-flat-screen color TV.. - We’re inching our way to the Daytona 500 - we’ll look back to the trip John Boy took with his butler.. - Marci learns that catchphrases are harder to come up with than they look.. - We fill a request for the longest Playhouse in the history of the show, clocking in at a full 10-minutes, it’s “The Challenge of the Fruits”.. - and Oliver offers some Valentine’s Day cards for the discontented…

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